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HomeGeneralMusic News: Carmen DeLeon | Volveras

Music News: Carmen DeLeon | Volveras

The bubbly personality of Carmen DeLeon is easily contagious. Her voice and energy are both youthful and inspiring as she brings her Latin influence to her debut single “Volveras.”

Guitar Gabby of Guitar Girl Magazine had the opportunity to interview Carmen on the  °1824 Universal Music Group Press Conference in September where she talked about the background of her song and her favorite part of the creation process. She expressed, “The most exciting part of creating this song was working with a team that allowed me to bring MY story to the song instead of being dictated on what to sing. It was fun and I want my listeners to take away the power of loving yourself and not letting people ruin your life. There are so many toxic people in this world and as humans, we can sometimes allow bad company into our lives because we don’t want to be alone, but, I think it’s better to be alone than to be with bad company. I want to encourage my listeners and fans to choose the right people in life. Not just in love but also in friendship.”

While this current climate in our world can be so negative, Carmen expressed her passion to use her music and platform to 1) let people out there know that it’s ok to not be ok sometimes, and 2) empower us to all love ourselves no matter what and let our light shine. She reminds us all that we, “have to love ourselves before we love others. You are worth more than you think. People can sometimes have the tendency to make you think you feel like you are less than and I went through that being bullied in my younger years. But I learned a valuable lesson which is to not let my life be ruined by negativity.”

Her power to influence the younger generation is everlasting and we surely look forward to the future music that Carmen will bring to the table. 

You can listen to “Volveras” here and watch the official video here. Follow her social media below.


Guitar Gabby

Gabriella “Guitar Gabby” Logan is an Atlanta Native and proud graduate of Spelman College and Vermont Law School. Her background in environmental and music law fueled her desire to start and manage the international all-women touring collective, TxLips Band, LLC. Logan believes it is important for artists to be well rounded and versed in many areas of the music business, thus inspiring women worldwide to be an unstoppable force. She is the Diversity Editor for Guitar Girl Magazine and the Board Chair for Girls Rock Asheville.

Guitar Gabby
Guitar Gabby
Gabriella “Guitar Gabby” Logan is an Atlanta Native and proud graduate of Spelman College and Vermont Law School. Her background in environmental and music law fueled her desire to start and manage the international all-women touring collective, TxLips Band, LLC. Logan believes it is important for artists to be well rounded and versed in many areas of the music business, thus inspiring women worldwide to be an unstoppable force. She is the Diversity Editor for Guitar Girl Magazine and the Board Chair for Girls Rock Asheville.

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