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HomeInterviewsSus Vasquez: From Colombia to NYC

Sus Vasquez: From Colombia to NYC

As seen in Guitar Girl Magazine Issue 14 – New York-inspired – December 2020

Sus Vasquez is a talented guitarist, born in Colombia but now living in New York. She has played guitar for great artists, including Luis Fonsi and Karol G, but also has her own music venture called Top Queens.

In her interview, Sus talks to us about her start as a guitarist, her future projects, and her decision to move to New York.

How long have you been playing guitar professionally?
I’ve been playing professionally for over seven years now, two of which have been in NYC.

Have you always known that you wanted to have a career in music?
Since I started playing guitar, I knew it was something that was going to be there for my entire life. As time went by and I graduated from high school, I decided to pursue music full time.

Did you have any particular musical influences growing up?
The first time I listened to the band Blink-182, I absolutely felt a connection with that style of music and started to listen to it a lot. With time, I discovered other genres and began to expand my musical ear, taste, and knowledge.

You’ve been a guitarist for some pretty incredible artists, including Luis Fonsi. How has that experience been?
Amazing! It is still hard to believe that I’ve been playing for some of the top Latin artists in the industry in front of thousands. It’s the reward for hard work and patience, which can take you anywhere you want to go.

Are there any other artists that you’d like to play for or work with?
There are so many, to be honest. This is just the beginning, I believe. I would like to get more involved with US artists.

You also have your own music project, called Top Queens. Can you talk a little bit about that?
I love the feeling of playing others’ music and working for them, but I also wanted to have a project where I could express myself and create the music I wanted to. The drummer and founder of the band called me to see if I wanted to be a part of it, and since then, we’ve been pushing to make great things with our all-female funk band.

Would you ever like to do Top Queens full time, or do you like balancing your own project and playing for other artists you currently have?
Not full time, but I’d love to continue to have it as a very important part of what I do for sure. I love the feeling of playing on multiple different musical projects and learning so much from each one of them. Whether it is a small bar in NYC playing rock or an arena performing urban music in front of thousands, I love and appreciate each of those experiences.

You’re from Colombia, but you now live in New York City. How does the music scene in Colombia differ from what you’ve experienced in New York?
It’s totally different, which is actually why I decided to move to NYC. The amount of diversity, music, and culture in the city is amazing. It constantly challenges me, but that’s what keeps me moving and motivates me the most.

What made you decide to move to New York for your music, instead of somewhere like Los Angeles?
There’s an energy and vibe in the city that I haven’t felt anywhere else. I feel a constant drive to hustle every time I’m here. It’s definitely not an easy city to live in, but the number of amazing things happening every day makes it totally worth it for me.

What have you been doing during the pandemic to stay creative and remain in touch with your fans?
I try to keep active on my social media posting and talking with people. Nowadays, it’s something we need to do; we must support each other during these crazy times.

GGM Staff


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