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HomeReviewsMusic ReviewsLyric Video Premiere: Molly D’Ago Unveils “Someone Just Like You”

Lyric Video Premiere: Molly D’Ago Unveils “Someone Just Like You”

Singer-songwriter and guitarist Molly D’Ago introduces her new single/lyric video, “Someone Just Like You,” following on the heels of her 2023 single, “My Sweet Burning Heart,” which took the #1 spot on the International DRT Chart.

Molly explains, “The song ‘Someone Just Like You’ explores the journey of transcending the mirroring tendencies of a narcissist. It conveys the realization that despite all of your efforts, pleasing them is simply impossible because of their own low self-esteem. The lyrics suggest that true happiness for such individuals lies in being with someone who shares similar qualities.”

Written by Molly D’Ago and Myles Clayborne (music), and Molly D’Ago and Alex Rhodes (lyrics), “Someone Just Like You” was produced by Myles Clayborne and Executive Producer Pepper Gomez. Vocal engineering was handled by Guido Falivene, while Justin Shturtz of Sterling Sound saw to the mastering.

D’Ago cut her teeth with the garage band Pacinello when she was in high school, followed by D’Ago emerging as a hired gun guitarist, working with bands such as The All-American Rejects, Pop Evil, and Frankie Ballard.

Somewhere in there, she discovered she could sing. In 2022, she released “End of the World,” which achieved the 38th slot on the U.S. Rock Charts. Deciding to pursue a law degree, D’Ago attended Syracuse University College of Law, while at the same time performing as a touring musician. In 2023, she signed with Wake Up! Music, releasing “My Sweet Burning Heart.”

“Someone Just Like You” rolls out on D’Ago’s heavy, blistering guitar flowing into shimmering textures topped by her ‘dear lord, how that woman can sing’ vocals, at once bravura and Siren-like. As the harmonics elevate, gathering heft and resonance, D’Ago’s voice takes on wickedly flawless surfaces, singing words of reproof above the harmonic storm as late-stage guitar notes infuse the tune with scorching tones.

“There’s an empty bottle on the floor / A symptom of being at war / I remember every moment until the last day / Every fight every lie every single night / Every word burns bright like kryptonite.”

Like Circe in the middle of a hurricane, unleashing her electrifying voice, with “Someone Just Like You,” Molly D’Ago hypnotizes listeners.

Follow Molly D’Ago Instagram | Facebook | Spotify

Randy Radic

Randy Radic is a former super model who succumbed to the ravages of time and age. Totally bereft of talent, he took up writing “because anyone can do it.” He smokes cigars (a disgusting habit) and has pet snakes (which is just gross). And some people say he’s aloof.

Randy Radic
Randy Radic
Randy Radic is a former super model who succumbed to the ravages of time and age. Totally bereft of talent, he took up writing “because anyone can do it.” He smokes cigars (a disgusting habit) and has pet snakes (which is just gross). And some people say he’s aloof.

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