I had the opportunity to interview the band the Texas K.G.B. and it was very cool! Texas K.G.B. played at Darwin’s Burger’s & Blues in Marietta, Georgia to a full house in late January of this year. The American alt folk band’s energy is amazing live and this is what the band is all about.
GGM: How would you describe your sound to people who haven’t heard your music?
Texas K.G.B.: Our sound is original, organic, Americana music with a twist. You’ll hear a variety of styles driven by lead guitar and three part harmonies.
GGM: Who is the band influenced by? Who are your influences?
Texas K.G.B.: We collectively enjoy Willie Nelson, Donnie McCormick, The Foo Fighters, The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones to name a few.
Kelly: I’m majorly influenced by music from the sixties and seventies. But Grand Funk Railroad has always been a main impact for me musically. I also really enjoy Lissie, Cherri Bomb, and Gary Clark Jr.
Kody: The Beatles, Said The Whale, Kenny Garrett, Chris Potter, Donnie McCormick, B.B. Lee, and David Maslanka, just to name a few. And that’s just how I feel today.
Jace: Bob Dylan, Ray LaMontagne, Jimi Hendrix, and Davin McCoy.
B.B: Stevie Ray Vaughan, Ace Frehley, Gene Simmons, David Cantonwine, and Mel Schacher.
GGM: How do you know each other, when did the band form?
Kelly: Most of the band is my family. My father, B.B. Lee, plays bass guitar. My brother, Kody, plays saxophone and percussion. Jace, our singer and rhythm guitarist, is my husband. And our drummer, DAWG, is our road dog. The Texas K.G.B. formed in Austin, Texas on January 1st, 2012.
GGM: What is next for the band?
Texas K.G.B.: We are going back into the studio after we play SXSW in March. Our album is set for a soft release to our fans at the end of 2015 but will not be released to radio until January of 2016. We are looking forward to performing at multiple fairs, festivals, and showcases both nationally and internationally.
GGM: Is there a band that you want to see play live that you haven’t seen before?
Texas K.G.B.: Our response is a unanimous FOO FIGHTERS. Dave Grohl is our hero.
GGM: What kind of guitar do you play, Kelly?
Kelly: I play and cherish a Jay Turser JT220 Goldtop electric guitar that I lovingly named Goldie Hawn.
GGM: How long have you all been playing your instruments?
Kelly: I started playing acoustic guitar was I was six years old.
Jace: I’ve been playing guitar and singing for over a decade.
Kody: I started as a drummer when I was just four years old and moved to playing saxophone in 2003.
B.B. I’ve spent a lifetime on guitar and recently picked up bass to support my daughter.
Dawg: I was a roadie for David Allan Coe and Confederate Railroad before I started playing drums about seven years.
GGM: What kind of energy do you get from the crowd?
Texas K.G.B.: We pride ourselves on not only being singer/songwriters but also performers. However, we don’t like to play for crowds, we love to perform for audiences. The more energy we put out, the more we get back. You can’t have a great show without the audience’s participation.
GGM: What is your favorite song and who is it by?
Kelly: Grand Funk Railroad’s version of “Inside Looking Out” is my all-time favorite song
Jace: “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen
Kody: “She’s Leaving Home” by The Beatles
Dawg: “It’s Not Supposed to be That Way” by Willie Nelson
B.B.: “Life by the Drop” by Stevie Ray Vaughan
GGM: Where do you see yourselves in 10 years?
Texas K.G.B.: Making a comfortable living doing what we love. We enjoy travel and are looking forward to more recording, touring and performing Worldwide!
If you are into a mix of folk and blues, check out Texas K.G.B. – a talented band that makes magic.
Official website: http://www.thetexaskgb.com/
~ Tiffini Taylor