Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNews10 New Year's Resolutions for the Guitar Enthusiast

10 New Year’s Resolutions for the Guitar Enthusiast

Hey Guitar jammers, Happy New Year!!  Just in case you have not had a chance to commit to those “all important” New Year’s resolutions…here is a list to help you get started to enjoying a great year of making music:

  1. Practice, practice, practice!
  2. Keep your favorite guitar close by
  3. Don’t forget to turn off your practice amp (when you go to bed or leave the house!)
  4. Change your guitar strings often (you’ll love that crisp, bright sound!)
  5. If you are teaching, remember the student already knows you can play the songs
  6. Keep your baby in a case
  7. Take your picks out of your pocket before washing your pants
  8. Polish, dust, and admire regularly
  9. Beware of GAS (gear acquisition syndrome)
  10. Oh, go ahead, acquire something new (or vintage)! 


Happy New Year from all of us at Guitar Girl Magazine!

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Guitar Girl Magazine

Tara Low is the visionary founder and dedicated editor of Guitar Girl Magazine, pioneering a space where women's voices in the music industry are amplified. With a passion for both music and empowerment, she continues to shape a platform that celebrates and promotes female talent in the world of guitar playing.

Guitar Girl Magazine
Tara Low is the visionary founder and dedicated editor of Guitar Girl Magazine, pioneering a space where women's voices in the music industry are amplified. With a passion for both music and empowerment, she continues to shape a platform that celebrates and promotes female talent in the world of guitar playing.


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