A missing link between indie-rock and classic country western, Atlanta-based Neighbor Lady is comprised of Emily Braden, Jack Blauvelt, Payton Collier, and Andrew McFarland. Led by the siren voice of front-woman and songwriter Emily Braden, Neighbor Lady began as a solo project. She began writing music by herself and for herself; lyrically, the songs chronicle events in her personal life and her emotions surrounding those events.
Having grown up on a farm in pastoral Rome, Georgia, she moved to Athens, Georgia after high school, met guitarist Jack Blauvelt and formed Neighbor Lady, a small band centered on supporting Emily’s songwriting. As Braden puts it, “Neighbor Lady started because I was too nervous to play a show by myself, so I asked my friends to play with me.”
Neighbor Lady is gearing up to release new music in 2021 on New Orleans-born indie label Park The Van. Stay tuned for more announcements coming down the pipeline soon.
Tour Dates:
6/3 Atlanta, GA @ Southern Brewing Company w/ Annie Leeth (tickets)