Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeReviewsGear ReviewsProduct Review: Guitar Hands Cleansing Lotion

Product Review: Guitar Hands Cleansing Lotion

Did you ever want your hands to feel conditioned and not greasy or too dried and cracked? Guitar Hands lotion is the perfect solution!

Guitar Hands is a trademarked cleansing, moisturizing and conditioning lotion developed by Dr. Randy Jacobs, a clinical dermatologist, that you apply to your hands to help condition your skin and decrease friction. Strings can damage your fingertips, even cause tears as most guitar players may have experienced. When playing guitar, you press down and move from note to note and you should not feel any pain or discomfort. If your hands are not too greasy or cracked, this should be easy.

Guitar Hands clinical lipid therapy claims to condition, protect, and strengthen skin. I was a little skeptical at first as I do not like having any lotion or greasy film on my hands before playing guitar. Unfortunately, my hands are very dry due to this reason. So I followed the instructions:  first apply and massage into your hands and fingers; then wipe your hands dry with a towel; and wait three minutes. Supposedly. if you do not wait long enough. your hands may feel gummy. Gummy hands didn’t sound too appealing to me, so I made sure to wait for the entire three minutes.

According to Guitar Hands’ website, you should be able to play longer with less friction and drag, and I did notice that. I thought my hands would feel greasy but no greasy hands!

Dr. Jacobs also claims that Guitar Hands will condition your calluses which is a definite bonus for beginners who usually experience some soreness when first starting to play guitar. The website: is also very thorough with video, scientific information regarding the science behind the lotion, and how it works.

I think Guitar Hands is a great product especially since it was developed by a dermatologist who also plays guitar and understands the necessity of caring for your hands. The price is very reasonable, only $15.99, and is not just for guitar players!

~ Katrina Johannson

Guest Blogger



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