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HomeTips & LessonsGirl Guitarists Gone Virtual: Tips on How to Get Noticed Online

Girl Guitarists Gone Virtual: Tips on How to Get Noticed Online

Alessia Cara, Marie Digby, Tori Kelly, and Adele are all powerful females who can shred on a guitar. But do you know what else they have in common? Each of these strong women got their start online through social media, networking, and their own promotional skills. If you believe you have what it takes and want to follow in their footsteps, all you need to do is perfect your online presence.

Your gigs might be going down great but what happens when the fans go home? Do they have any way of finding out more about you? Your online presence is key here. It is just as vital to your success as having the right kit. Check out these tips on how you can increase your followers and ultimately become a powerhouse on the frontstage.

Find What Makes You Shine

With over 3 billion internet users all over the world, the world wide web provides you a huge stage and a massive audience to perform for. However, this also means that you have a lot of competition from some amazing international guitarists. To beat out your competitors, you need to find the thing that makes you unique. What is your niche? You might want to do some research on what is out there and what is missing from your genre of music. Then, find a way that you can fill that gap. Create a name and identity for yourself that expresses your brand and the message you want to send to the world.

Express Yourself Through a Website

Once you figure out your identity, the first step to promote your music online is to create a website that harnesses your brand. This website should have the colors, design, and branding that represents you and your music. It should also serve as a hub for your latest music and any updates you want to give to your followers. Wix, WordPress, and eHost are some amazing web hosting sites for any powerful guitarist wanting to make it big.

Connect, Network, and Build Relationships

With the internet, the entire world is your playground. This means that you need to get out there and start making friends with every kid you meet. Get an account on every social media channel to include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. Be sure that your website connects to each of these accounts and that you are always sending the same succinct message through each venue. You should be posting at least once a day and responding to each and every one of your follower’s comments. As a musician, you will also want to create a presence on music hosting sites such as Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Pandora, Ampslam, Bandcamp, and ReverbNation. Show off your latest songs and shred some tunes for the whole world to see.

At the end of the day, persistence and determination are the keys to success. Connect to as many people as you can and simply get out there and share your music. You’re bound to find people that connect with your lyrics and chords.

~ Cass Jones

Guest Blogger




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