With summer officially here and kids are out of school, now is the perfect time to enroll your child in a summer music camp. Even if your child is already enrolled in private lessons, camps are a perfect way for your child to interact with other like-minded children and make new friends.
Whether you’re a beginner or a more advanced player, you can find a camp that fits your needs. There are camps that are specifically geared towards learning guitar and camps that teach students how to form a band, write songs, and end with a performance for family and friends. What a great way to encourage your child to express themselves through music.
To find a local camp in your area, there are many ways to accomplish this. Check with your local area Chamber of Commerce, music schools, newspaper ads, community centers, internet search, or referral from family and friends. Some camps even offer tuition assistance.
A camp I am familiar with is geared specifically towards girls. The Girls Rock Camp Alliance has camps all over the US, Canada and Europe. A list of these camps can be found on their website at http://www.girlsrockcampalliance.org.
Don’t have an instrument? Don’t let that hold you back. You can always rent an instrument from your local music school or borrow one from a family or friend, but be sure to take extra special care of the guitar.
Music camps just aren’t for kids either. There are plenty of camps available for adults.
Sign up today and start rocking out this summer!